خرداد ۱۲، ۱۳۸۹

I should be able to post via my Blackberry device now. I will write short,but better than piling them up in my head.

۱ نظر:

  1. Hi Rodean Jaan!
    i am going to take the complain to you! after all you should start learning that pretty soon people are going to complain to you about something... but i have a serious one (everybody thinks his/her complain is the most important one! just to let you know!). Anyway, every morning i open my gmail thinking that i have a picture of you and everyday i am bummed! please tell your mom we need to change your picture on our computer desktop very often since you are growing so fast... just look at your nails... 4 times already... just thought to share! love you darling...
