مرداد ۲۶، ۱۳۹۴

I call it a happy life

Imagine a house full of toys. Mind you, I have been asked on several occasions if I have a daycare at home? Now, just guess what my kids have been fighting over this evening? A little green snake! There are at least 6 other snakes bigger than this at home. All in different colors. But , this ... this is a rattlesnake! Awww … 
Remember those days when you come home and that work project tags along with you? You take a shower, you change the subject, you get some wine ... and that project is still with you? Well, not so much for me anymore. I come come and my world is switched to a whole new planet in blink of an eye. All I think about is how I can keep two little guys happy with one little snake. Exactly this size.

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