مرداد ۰۸، ۱۳۸۹

We received your birth certificate documents today! We applied for it about 3 months ago and it is finally here.
Today you are 3 months and 2 weeks old. I took you with me to my work place … there was a team potluck and my team were excited to meet you. :)

تیر ۲۹، ۱۳۸۹

این مادر است که از شیر گرفته میشود، نه بچه!

رفتم توی facebook عکسهای جدیدتو آپلود کنم که باز داغ دلم تازه شد :(

یک جائی‌ دوستی‌ برای دوست دیگری نوشته بود که "فکر می‌کنم این مادر است که از شیر گرفته میشود نه بچه" وه که چه عالی‌ گفته بود!

هیچ وقت هیچ وقت فکر نمیکردم که یک روزی عاشق این بشوم که به بچه‌ام شیر بدهم! شیر دادن یکی‌ از چیزهایی بود که من قبلا کلی‌ ازش بدم میومد! یک جور عجیب و چندش آوری! هیچ وقت حتا تصور نمیکردم که به کسانی‌ که به بچشون شیر میدان رشک بورزم!!

شیر دادن من یکی‌ داستان شد پر آب چشم! هنوزم وقتی‌ که فکرشو می‌کنم میبینم که اگه از اول میدونستم چه کار کنم کاملا میتونستم بهت شیر بدم ... یعنی امکان پذیر بود ... همینه که اینقدر ناراحتم! تا دو ماه و نیم با هر زوری که بود یک کم شیری رو که داشتم بهت میدادم ... و چه لذّتی داشت.. خوشحالم که تونستم تجربه ‌اش کنم!

هر چند دوستام بهم میگن که اصلا این چیزا مهم نیست و دکتر خانوادگیمون میگه که "this is society pressure" باز هم دلم هنوز یواشکی حرف خودش را میزند و آه خودش را می‌کشد!


آخه من چه جوری می‌تونم عکساتو انتخاب کنم،ها؟ همشون قشنگن. دلم نمیاد که بعضی‌ هاشو حذف کنم. همشم که نمی‌شه چاپ کرد! همینه که هنوز بعد از ۳ ماه این کار نیمه تموم مونده!
الانم که تو خوابیدی ... یه کمی‌ گذاشتمت تو آب همچین بعد از آب تنی سبک میشی‌ که حسابی‌ میخوابی ... :)


تیر ۲۷، ۱۳۸۹

You are amazing!

Sometimes I look at you and I cannot believe you are mine! You smile and make happy sounds and move your little arms and legs quickly! I stare at you … my eyes fill with tears of joy …
Sometimes I look at you when you are sleeping … so quiet, so peaceful, so free of this world and what goes around it. From head to toe you are almost 60 cm, so tiny, so small, sooooo cute… Are you real?! Where did you come from? :) My life has changed dramatically in just 3 months … all the objects have a new meaning … all the words … in almost nine months, I changed from a girl to a woman, and from a woman to a mom … I am not the same person anymore …

تیر ۲۴، ۱۳۸۹

A big day!

You will be 3 month tomorrow. I am bumped with lots of thoughts and new things to learn every day and time becomes more precious than gold day after day. I browsed about 10 new websites today, each of them on a different topic: from child development, to baby formula, to Persian songs for babies, to other Iranian mom blogs …. I also talked with one of my good friends on the phone. She also has a newborn (her first one as well) and we were talking about our challenges … one of the hot topics was how children need multiple attentions and not just attention from mom and dad … the other hot topic was breastfeeding challenges … we finally concluded that we have done great! (You cannot believe how it is essential to moms to know that they have done well! We all go through lots of new challenges … it is like we enter a whole new world and on top of that, our hormones is ready to make us feel guilty for every little thing that happens)

Well, I should learn to be a quick writer as well; otherwise my head will blow up with pile of thoughts ….

OK, OK, I was writing about your big day … Today, we took you for a walk in the baby carrier for the first time. You daddy was carrying you and you were facing forward (away from him). Oh Gosh! Aren’t you the cutest?  I wish I had my camera or my blackberry with me to take a picture of you. You should have seen yourself! Holding your head up -although it is hard for you- and looking around carefully with your eyes wide open like you were discovering the world for the first time! You were all surprise (I love this curios look in your eyes … my heart melts for it … you become even cuter!) and you were quiet all the time … I wanted to eat you up! Yummy yummy yummy!

Then we came home and I put you in your crib and you started to cry … I was dead tired (but I have not sleep yet, you see why I am tired, well … :) ) and I put you on our bed, laid down on the bed next to you and hold your favorite mirror toy in front of your face. This is what I do recently to calm you down and it works just perfect! There is a rolling ball in the corner of the mirror that you are fascinated by it and it makes noise as we roll it. I rolled it for you and then you stretched your arms and reached for it and …… yes!!! you did it yourself … you rolled it and then you did it again and again … UH it was such a moment …. I called your dad and he got the video …. You have been trying to grab things this past week but I think so far you were doing it just accidently but this time, you knew what you are doing! You aimed for it and you rolled the ball on purpose … such a beautiful moment.

Now you are sleeping and I’ve got few hours to eat and sleep … well, an hour is passed already so I have to hurry up!

Love Love Love Kiss Kiss Kiss :)