آبان ۰۹، ۱۳۹۱

آبان ۰۴، ۱۳۹۱

Terrible Two? Only half of the truth

I always say that those who say two is a terrible age only see the glass half empty. Well, all what you hear about terrible two is true, but not the whole truth. The fact is that there is nothing sweater than a two-year-old toddler if you look at the half full part of the glass! :) Well, maybe a three year old is sweeter. But I dont know that part yet hehe

This is a part of our conversation about a month ago - he was two years and 5 months old- when we all are getting on the car on a way back from a local street festival:My son: daddy, what is mommy's name? (he said the whole full sentence very accuratley in Farsi … used the correct verbs and etc -- very surprising for us!)"Mandana" - said my hubby smiling up to his earsMy son: mommy,  what is your name?  (again used the correct verbs and adjectives in Farsi)me: my name is Mandana sweetie. What is your name?My Son: Rodeen! Smiling in a cutest way :))

It was one of those magic moments in life. His voice is so soft, so cute, so beautiful. He talks so sweet. So gentle. Very kind. Heavenly.  That is the special tone of vice of a toddler. I cannot get enough of that voice and those sweet words.

This is another conversation when I pick him up from daycare:Me:  Was Hanna in today?My son: noooo …. she went home … to Hanna's daddy!  (in Farsi he said "Hanna rafter khooneh. pishe babaye Hanna")And then he continues: Now I am going home … to the daddy of my own!  ("man miram khoone alaan … pishe babaye maale man!")

Well, this is the age of strong sense of possession. Sometimes he says "where is Rodeen's daddy?" or "where is the bear of mine?" He can say "my bear" but he emphasizes on his possession  … (kherse male man kojast?) He is also learning both languages so it can be quite confusing for him sometimes. I've heard from my other friends that their children usually translate word by word from english to farsi or vise versa which ends up in funny grammar or concepts.

This is one of those posts that I really struggled to chose the language of writing for it …. could be well written in Farsi … I will write another post in Farsi to capture all his cute sentences :)